Pacha Mama

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Pacha Mama (پاچا ماما), Mother Earth in Quechuan.

"[The earth] gives all of the benefits from her essence [dhāt] and is the location [maḥall] of all good. Thus she is the most powerful [aʾazz] of the bodies.... she is the patient [ṣabūr], the receptive one [qābila], the immutable one, the firm one... Whenever she moves from fearful awe of God, God secures her by means of (mountains as) anchors. So she becomes still with the tranquility of those of faithful certainty. From the earth, the people of faith learn their certainty. Therefore, it is the mother from whom we come and to whom we return. And from her we will come forth once again. To her we are submitted and entrusted. She is the most subtle of foundations [arkān] in meaning. She accepts density, darkness, and hardness only in order to conceal the treasures that God has entrusted to it." - Muhyi al-Din Ibn Arabi[1]

Rights of Nature


  1., Translation of Muhyi al-Din Ibn Arabi's Al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya, quoted by Sa’diyya Shaikh in "Allah, hidden treasures, and the Divine Feminine," May 27, 2019