The Carbon Blockchain

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The Carbon Blockchain describes itself as "a fully integrated Web 3.0 agri-tech and fintech (blockchain and Smart Contract transaction) solution for the agriculture, industrial, and manufacturing sectors, globally."

The Carbon Blockchain is "the expansion of The Hemp Blockchain into additional areas of Carbon Sequestration and Climate Tech - this rebranding is currently underway.[1]

See also:

Intellectual Property Model


To achieve this goal, "TCB has completed proof of concept from its proprietary industrial hemp genomics, cultivation at scale of biomass, actual carbonization of biomass into Advanced Carbons, proprietary Direct Carbon Capture processing centers (MicroHubs), and MetaCarbon Asset generation for minting of high-integity carbon credits."[2]

On Dec 28, 2022 TCB announced its acquisition of Minerva Green. Minerva Green is "a South African agriculture group specializing in the development of proprietary, indigenous African hemp strains."[3]


TCB's proprietary DCC solution is to "convert... low-carbon nature-based biomass (with a focus on industrial hemp) into biochar, green charcoal, carbon black, and other Advanced Carbon intermediate inputs."[4]

