Austin Climate Equity Plan

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The Austin Climate Equity Plan[1] was initially proposed in 2015[2] but was updated and adopted by Austin's City Council on September 2021. The plan highlights the impacts of climate change through the inequality felt by community members, suggesting the goal of equitably reaching net-zero community-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.

The plan is composed of 17 goals to be archived by 2030 and 74 strategies to get implemented throughout the span of five years; among those, are the creation of Green Jobs through Entrepreneurship, Sustainable infrastructure building, Transportation Electrification, Land use, Food, and Product Consumption.

Drafting the Plan

With the input of nearly 200 community members with a unique perspective on economical challenges and barriers facing residents; The City's Equity Office was a key player in setting the foundation for this planning process and in guiding the City's Office of Sustainability (OOS). Shane Johnson, Clean Energy Organizer with the Sierra Club's Lone Star Chapter and Co-chair of the Steering Committee described the plan as: "The foundation for not only centering racial equity but also for prioritizing racial equity both in the implementation of and future climate policy of the city". [3]

Energy transition to renewable sources