National Cattlemen's Beef Association

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Methane Greenwashing

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association—which lobbied for meatpacking plants to remain open during the pandemic—dispatched its former senior director of sustainable beef production research, Sara Place, to assure the conservative media host Glenn Beck[1] that methane emissions from “cow farts” were “fake news” and that cattle “are part of the climate change solution.”[2]

Sarah Place is also featured by the Savory Institute, which promoted[3] an article she penned for the Beef: It's What's For Dinner blog, arguing that:

The social battle underway about what type of agriculture is best (local vs. non-local, vegan vs. omnivore, organic vs. conventional, grass-fed vs. grain-fed) is getting us nowhere.[4]

and: "we need... sustainability... regardless of the production system."