The Savory Method

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A system of intensive cattle ranching developed by Allan Savory, also known as or categorized under these names:

  • The Savory Grazing Method
  • Rotational grazing
  • Multi-paddock adaptive grazing
  • Regenerative grazing
  • Holistic resource management
  • Time controlled grazing
  • Short-duration grazing


The efficacy of Savory's method of cattle grazing is predicated on five assumptions:

(1) plant communities and soils of the arid, semiarid, and grassland systems of the world evolved in the presence of large herds of animals regulated by their predators; (2) grasses in these areas will become decadent and die out if not grazed by these large herds or their modern day equivalent, livestock; (3) rest from grazing by these large herds of livestock will result in grassland deterioration; (4) large herds are needed to break up decadent plant material and soil crusts and trample dung, urine, seeds, and plant material into the soil, promoting plant growth; and (5) high intensity grazing of these lands by livestock will reverse desertification and climate change by increasing production and cover of the soil, thereby storing more carbon.[1]

An article in the International Journal of Biodiversity debunked all five assumptions necessary for the Savory method to hold any validity:

Assumption 1:


"The Savory Method Can Not Green Deserts or Reverse Climate Change A response to the Allan Savory TED video"

"The Regenerative Ranching racket": <>

"How Big Ag Bankrolled Regenerative Ranching": <>

^^^ Discusses, among other issues, Shell Oil's financing of "Soil Carbon Cowboys" in 2015, the first such documentary. Re: offsets, greenwashing & ties to Savory Institute. see also: <> & White_Oak_Pastures#Shell_Oil

Re: GHG emissions (incl. Methane), soil health, hoof action, biodiversity: <>

Re: General Mills & White Oak Pastures: <> <> <>

Underestimation of emissions from extensive/intensive grazing (& Methane): <>

Re: 'discounting' Methane from cattle: <> <>

Re: Kiss the Ground documentary: <>

Key report - "Grazed and Confused": <> <>

Response to Critiques

According to Allan Savory, scientific evidence against his methods is irrelevant because holistic management "cannot be peer-reviewed." He has made this argument several times, perhaps most recently on Twitter in March of 2021[2] in response to scientific evidence showing that the beef supply White Oak Pastures provides for General Mills was heavily greenwashed. [3] White Oak Pastures is a "frontier founder" of the Savory Institute Land to Market program, which has inaccurately advertised WOP's products as "carbon-negative beef."[4]

Savory has also argued that his method has never failed in 50 years because it has "300 years of experience" derived from European military planning behind it.[5]
