Standard Soil

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Markets Grass-Fed Beef for soil carbon removal despite high GHG emissions (Methane + Nitrous Oxide) of their grazing method compared to carbon negative methods of building soil organic carbon.


CEO: Russ Conser, who left Shell Oil in 2013 after 30 years[1].

Advisory Board Members:

Peter Byck - director of Soil Carbon Cowboys, funded by Shell Oil in 2015 to promote the Savory Method of livestock grazing.

Jason Rowntree - director of Savory Hub at Michigan State University, where he is the lead investigator of a $19 million research grant awarded by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research in partnership with the Savory Institute, Nature Conservancy, and USDA.[2]

Resource Library

Soil Carbon Cowboys

An 11 minute excerpt of the 2015 Documentary Soil Carbon Cowboys (funded by Shell Oil) is the first featured video in Standard Soil's Research Library [3]

Grazing Method

AMP Grazing

Standard Soil's informational page on "Adaptive Multi-Paddock Grazing" - the technical basis of the [[Holistic Management|the Savory Method] - is currently Google Search's top hit.[4]