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Billionaires are the wealthiest oligarchs living on the planet. There are less than 3,000 billionaires alive today making them less than .0001% of the world population.

Billionaires emit a million times more greenhouse gases than the average person.[1]

As CNBC Reported in November 2022:

Danny Sriskandarajah, chief executive of Oxfam GB, called for world leaders at the COP27 climate summit to “expose and change the role that big corporates and their rich investors are playing in profiting from the pollution that is driving the climate crisis.” “The role of the super-rich in super-charging climate change is rarely discussed,” Sriskandarajah said in the report’s press release, ”[t]his has to change. These billionaire investors at the top of the corporate pyramid have huge responsibility for driving climate breakdown. They have escaped accountability for too long.”[2]

List of Billionaires

Billionaires with Climate Wiki pages currently include:

Coming Soon: