Imam Jamil Al-Amin

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"Those people with an understanding of what Allah has commanded must begin to propel their ideas through struggle, using the knowledge that Allah has given them. We must restrain those people who are bringing about the destruction of this world Allah has put us in, or we shall all perish. To do so is an act of Zakaat.

When they talk about acid rain, when they talk about the destruction of the ozone layer, and they talk about the fact that the level of drinking water will be reduced to a point where one-fourth of the known drinking water will be no good for us by the year 2000 because of industrial waste and pollution, when we see these things occurring it is compulsory upon the Muslim to act. When we see that, in California as well as other parts of the country, there is an imminent danger concerning drought and after drought there is famine, then we begin to understand that these are the things that come as a result of what men's hands have wrought.

So how do we, with the understanding of this, begin to restrain the hands of those who are breaking a hole in the bottom of the boat?[1] We do it by striving for enlightenment, by struggling in opposition to ignorance, by fighting against self-oppression. We must attain a level of consciousness that reminds us and those in error of the True Reality, of the purpose for existence, and the laws of the Creator."[2]

  1. This is a reference to the Parable of the Limits of Allah:
  2. Revolution By The Book, 1994, p. 40-41, by Imam Jamil Al-Amin