Abu Dhabi National Oil Company

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The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) is the state-owned oil company of the United Arab Emirates, and the 11th-largest fossil fuel company in the world.

ADNOC is directed by Emirati Minister of Industry Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, who is currently presiding over a massive expansion of the company with a plan to boost production by the equivalent of over 7.5 billion barrels of oil in the coming years - the world's fifth-largest increase.[1]

COP 28

In July, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber - CEO of ADNOC and President of COP 28 - said that nations attending the UN summit he is hosting in Dubai "must be brutally honest" about "all emissions, everywhere. [Scope] 1, 2, and 3."

The following month, a Global Witness investigation published in August 2023 revealed that the ADNOC was responsible for 14 times more planet-heating carbon emissions last year than it reported.[2][3]
