Climate collapse

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A recent scientific review of 180 articles on the human death rate of climate change has conservatively estimated that a billion people could die from climate catastrophes over the next century.[1] In the ongoing sixth mass extinction, greenhouse gas concentrations are flooding the atmospehre at a rate 10x faster than all recorded extinction events in our planet's history.[2]

In 2019, Branch Out reported that[3]:

"If the necessary transitions to avoid total climate collapse do not occur, we risk a billion refugees being forced from their homes by 2050 due to sea-level rise, drought, famine, and other extreme weather disasters, amidst major health crises around the world.[4] For example, scientists are now predicting that an additional one billion people could be exposed to the potentially lethal mosquito-borne Dengue Fever, for which the incidence has already increased by 10% due to global warming.[5] If humanity does not reverse course, 500 million people will face lethal heatwaves on a regular basis and billions of people will soon run out of fresh water.[6][7]
