Daniela Ibarra-Howell

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In 2009, Daniela Ibarra-Howell co-founded the Savory Institute with Allan Savory and became its CEO in 2011. She is also a co-founder and member of Holistic Holdings International Inc as well as Grasslands LLC.

Previously, she was the co-founder and Director of Del Cerro LLC, a consulting firm which managed her family's 9,000 acre ranch in western Colorado. During this period, she worked closely with Allan Savory and promoted his methods around the world, after completing her training in Holistic Management with him in 1996.

Born in Buenos Aries, Argentina, she also previously served as a Resource Policy Analyst for the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture, the Under-secretariat Environmental Policy, and the National Commission for Desertification in Patagonia (CONADEPA).[1]