Meta:Five Pillars

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Like Wikipedia, the fundamental principles of Climate Wiki may be summarized in five "pillars":

1) Climate Wiki is an Ecosocial Media Collaboratory

Climate Wiki is a project of Radical Relationality rooted in collaboration with all relatives and movements striving to liberate and regenerate the Earth from the systems and devastation of planetary ecocide. The initial design for Climate Wiki combines many different elements (activism, land stewardship, journalism, decolonization, and scientific research) to platform a knowledge commons and the quest for climate justice in all its dimensions. These elements are all informed by and shape Climate Wiki’s design principles.

2) Climate Wiki is free content that you can use and distribute

All editors freely license their work to the public, and no editor owns any article or page – all contributions may be thoroughly edited and redistributed. Please don’t plagiarize your sources! Paraphrasing and extensive citations are encouraged as long as you include the citation. Borrowing non-free media is sometimes allowed as fair use; strive to find free alternatives first.

3) Climate Wiki is written from a Revolutionary Point of View

Food Sovereignty is not incidental but essential to Climate Wiki’s effective and ethical operation. Just transition is a key element of Climate Wiki, rooted in undeniable evidence of the urgent need for Land Back and climate revolution. These decisive conclusions are affirmed by the United Nations in both the scientific consensus on the need for revolutionary transformation to stop climate collapse, and the fundamental rights of Indigenous Peoples under International Law.

4) Climate Wiki’s editors treat each other with respectful comradery

As a platform, Climate Wiki transitions away from competitive, ego-driven social media (& social capital accumulation) towards revolutionary ecosocial media production. Editors are encouraged to input and improve content to the best of their abilities. Editorial disputes are to be respectfully discussed on the talk pages. Only intractable disputes over editorial decisions or clear rule violations will warrant account restrictions and suspensions. Climate denial, colonial apologia, and other serious rule violations will not be entertained on Climate Wiki as accelerating climate collapse is an existential threat to all life on the planet.

5) Climate Wiki’s policies are flexible and fractal

Climate Wiki has policies and guidelines, but they are not carved in stone; their content and interpretation can evolve over time. The principles and spirit matter more than literal wording, and sometimes improving Climate Wiki requires making exceptions. Be bold, but not reckless, in updating articles. And do not agonize over making mistakes: they can be corrected easily because (almost) every past version of each article is saved.

Climate Wiki contributors are not required to agree with all these principles on every point, but only to do their best not to contradict them and recognize they will be used to arbitrate editorial conflicts.