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Nori is a blockchain company which describes its token, $NORI, as "a cryptocurrency designed to be the world’s universal market-driven reference price for carbon dioxide removal."[1]


According to the front page of its website[2], Nori is backed by m13, Toyota Ventures, [3] Cargill, placeholder, North Island Ventures, , Tenacious Ventures, and Techstars (w/ The Nature Conservancy)[4]


Corteva / DowDuPont

In "Turning Carbon Into a Cash Crop" (2018), the CEO of Nori described a new joint pilot program with Corteva/DowDuPont which would give the users of Corteva's "Granular" software optional early access to Nori's carbon market to its customers.[5]


Nori is scaling up its agricultural carbon credit program through a partnership with agrochemical giant Bayer-Monsanto and its new digital platform marketed as regenerative.

As part of the program, Bayer-Monsanto will generate ~720,000 tons of Nori Removal Tonne ($NRT) credits from 400,000 acres of farmland. The carbon credits are currently valued at $20/ton, or $14.4 million total.[6]

The first supplier Nori lists on its website is Harborview Farms, which works was chosen in 2018 as Bayer-Monsanto's "Forward Farm" for the entire continent of Turtle Island,[7]. It is playing a leading role in a new corporate initiative to present Bayer-Monsanto as a champion of climate-smart agriculture,[8][9] despite a track record of environmental devastation so destructive the word "ecocide" was coined to describe it.

Harborview's carbon credits are being marketed as regenerative, despite being sourced from large [[monoculture] plantations of proprietary genetically engineered maize and GE soy crops, and given "full-rate chemical applications" with Bayer-Monsanto pesticides [10].

Bayer-Monsanto pesticides such as RoundUp[11] and neonicitinoids [12] have been scientifically established as a central factor in the mass death of keystone pollinators like bees and butterflies, and in the 80% annihilation of global insect populations over the last few decades.[13]


"Nori chose to go the farming route because it’s the easiest to quantify right now, thanks to a partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s tool, COMET-Farm."[14]


"Gambill says Nori is solution-agnostic, and hopes to move on to other areas in and out of agriculture, from forestry to direct air capture technology. The idea is to create competition among the various methods of carbon removal... “Climate change should not be a political problem, because it’s just an engineering problem,” Gambill said.[15]
