Shell Oil

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Private Intelligence

Royal Dutch Shell has been a client of Hakluyt, “a retirement home for ex-MI6 [British foreign intelligence] officers…” founded by former officials of the English Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), for more than two decades. [1][2][3]

Hakluyt’s record includes being caught planting spies in Greenpeace and other environmental groups on behalf of energy giants British Petroleum (BP) and Shell.[4]

Nazi History

In the years leading up to WW2, the Dutch founder of the Royal Dutch Shell Group, Sir Henri Deterding became an ardent Nazi. He financially backed the Third Reich and met directly with Hitler at Berchtesgaden on behalf of Royal Dutch Shell. Hundreds of Shell employees were fanatical Nazis, and Shell publicly boasted at the time about the importance of its financial contribution to the German economy, in Germany while the country was under Nazi control.[5]

In years leading up to WW2, Shell conspired with partners, Standard Oil, and German chemical giant I.G. Farben, to covertly import oil products, including airplane fuel, from the US into Nazi Germany. [6] As a major financial contributor to Nazi Germany in pre-WW2 years, the Royal Dutch Shell Group, under Dutch leadership, had some responsibility for the death toll in the subsequent war, in which over 50 million people perished. I.G. Farben supplied the Zyklon-B gas used in the German Holocaust to kill millions of people.

Stop Shell

See Stop Shell for deeper dive.
