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Growing hemp in (agro)forestry systems. Hempforestry is to agroforestry as hempurgy is to khemurgy.


  • food

As a food crop, hempseed is well suited to serve as a protein-rich, high-sequestration staple in food forests and forest gardens.

  • syntropy

Due to its high annual biomass generation and many other advantages, growing hemp can boost the rapid proliferation and cultivation of syntropic agroforestry ecosystems and help quickly regenerate degraded land in need of remediation and/or reforestation:

1) Hemp biomass can be used for compost, mulch, biochar, (making hempchar) as a source of abundant organic matter

2) Hemp's ability to grow very tall rapidly enables it to quickly establish higher succession in syntropic agroforestry systems

3) Hemp's mycorrhizal compatibility with glomus intraradices further enables symbiotic partnerships with many trees and a vast polyculture of food crops **need to add citation

  • Forest Worker Safety
