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[[File:The Biochar Wormhole.jpg|thumb|'''The Biochar Wormhole''']] Biochar is a highly compressed, porous, and stable form of organic black carbon. It is the remainder of biomass after [[pyrolysis]]: setting fire but subtracting oxygen. Its known history reaches back more than 9,000 years to the Indigenous cultivation of black soils ([[Yana Allpa]]) underlying the  highly fruitful [[forestgarden]] of the [[Amazon Rainforest]].

[[File:The Biochar Wormhole.jpg|thumb|'''> Biochar Wormhole''']]
In recent years, scientific experiments have elaborated upon biochar's ability to improve soil qualities such as structure, nutrient availability, and water retention. By converting organic carbon into a compressed and stable form, it also provides a low-tech, scalable means of removing massive amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to slow and reverse [[climate collapse]]. Further benefits of biochar include [[biogas]] or bio-oil utilities (heat/electric), water filtration, plus novel industrial applications like supercapacitors.

Despite its enormous promise as a sort of omnibus remedy, the biochar economy suffers from insufficient support and funding. In hopes of accelerating its adoption, the [[Climate Wiki]] team has made biochar an area of primary focus as we [[Permaculture#Stacking Functions|stack functions]] into this [[knowledge commons]].

== Amazon Rainforest ==


[[File:Amazon Soil Comparison.png|thumb|Typical profiles of yana allpa on the left, and oxisol on the right.[]]]
[[File:Amazon Soil Comparison.png|thumb|Typical profiles of yana allpa on the left, and oxisol on the right.<ref></ref>]]
For over 9000 years, Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon Rainforest enriched the forest soil surrounding their villages using biochar.[][] In a compost mix with other amendments, the use of biochar by Indigenous farmers created highly fertile and nutrient-rich soils known as yana allpa (Quechuan: "black earth"), more widely known by the Spanish term "terra preta" today.[]
For over 9000 years, Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon Rainforest have enriched the forest soil surrounding their villages using biochar.<ref></ref><ref></ref> In a [[compost]] mix with other amendments, the use of biochar by Indigenous farmers created highly fertile and nutrient-rich soils known as yana allpa (Quechuan: "black earth"), more widely known by the Spanish term "terra preta" today.<ref></ref>

Yana allpa is visibly distinctive via the noticeable presence of black carbon in the form of biochar, which exists in concentrations around 70 times greater than surrounding soils.[] Its high nutrient profile, cation exchange capacity, and more balanced pH also stands in sharp contrast to oxisol, the less fertile and highly acidic yellow soils which grow throughout most of the Amazon.
Yana allpa is visibly distinctive via the noticeable presence of black carbon in the form of biochar, which exists in concentrations around 70 times greater than surrounding soils.<ref></ref> Its high nutrient profile, cation exchange capacity, and more balanced pH also stands in sharp contrast to oxisol, the less fertile and highly acidic yellow soils which grow throughout most of the Amazon.

The disruption of Indigenous biochar cultivation and yana allpa generation by the onset of European colonization severely fragmented and destroyed Indigenous knowledges regarding these practices. As a result, much of what is known about yana allpa today is the result of archaeology:
The disruption of Indigenous biochar cultivation and yana allpa generation by the onset of European colonization severely fragmented and destroyed Indigenous knowledges regarding these practices. As a result, much of what is known about yana allpa today is the result of archaeology:

*Fieldwork has shown that yana allpa sites are widely distributed across the region and most likely to be near the Amazon River. They have persisted in their fertility and distinctiveness for thousands of years.[] The longevity of yana allpa is a core body of evidence empirically demonstrating biochar's long-term carbon sequestration abilities.
*Fieldwork has shown that yana allpa sites are widely distributed across the region and most likely to be near the Amazon River. They have persisted in their fertility and distinctiveness for thousands of years.<ref></ref> The longevity of yana allpa is a core body of evidence empirically demonstrating biochar's long-term carbon sequestration abilities.

*Yana allpa sites, now largely overgrown, once had fewer towering trees, but were heavily populated by numerous shorter fruit trees. Yana allpa is so closely associated with evidence of concentrated human residence -- such as handmade ceramics and the remains of fortified villages -- that archaeologists were forced to revise upwards their estimates of pre-colonial Native populations by millions of more people.[] The existence of large villages and cities in the Amazon which had been attested to by early reports, but subsequently dismissed following their destruction amid the genocidal violence of European colonization, has consequently been supported by this evidence.[]
*Yana allpa sites, now largely overgrown, once had fewer towering trees, but were heavily populated by numerous shorter fruit trees. Yana allpa is so closely associated with evidence of concentrated human residence -- such as handmade ceramics and the remains of fortified villages -- that archaeologists were forced to revise upwards their estimates of pre-colonial Native populations by millions of more people.<ref></ref> The existence of large villages and cities in the Amazon which had been attested to by early reports, but subsequently dismissed following their destruction amid the genocidal violence of European colonization, has consequently been supported by this evidence.<ref></ref>


''CE 1850-1900s: Cultural Rediscovery''
''CE 1850-1900s: Geological Rediscovery''

Chapter 1
Knowledge of 'terra preta' among settlers was first recorded in the aftermath of the U.S. Civil War.<ref>"Chapter 1: Amazonian Dark Earths: The First Century of Reports"; Williams Woods + Denevan ''Amazonian Dark Earths: Wim Sombroek’s Vision'' Springer 2009</ref> More than 10,000 Confederates fled further south to Brazil, where slavery was still legal, rather than rejoin the United States.<ref></ref> An unknown number of enslaved Black people were forced to make the journey to Brazil with them. Enormous dark earth sites at Panema, Diamantina, Taperinha, and Marurú all became plantations for the so-called “Confederados” around 1867. Their choice of some of the richest dark earth lands in the lower Amazon for their plantations was not a coincidence, but a result of exploiting local knowledge.
Amazonian Dark Earths: The First Century of Reports
Williams Woods + Denevan Amazonian Dark Earths: Wim Sombroek’s Vision

(Brown and Lidstone 1878:270–271) -- apparently the first to use the term terra preta (“terras pretas”) in print.
In the 1870s, a number of English-speaking travelers visited the Confederados and their plantations. In 1878, Brown and Lidstone were the first to use the term "terra preta" in print. In 1879, the Geologist Charles Hartt and his assistant Herbert Smith became the first to publish on the Amazon's black earth soils; they reported modern Indigenous cultivation of terra preta and connected the rich soils to past habitation: “Strewn over it everywhere we find fragments of Indian pottery . . . the bluff-land owes its richness to the refuse of a thousand kitchens for maybe a thousand years.”

"Pretic Anthrosols"
By the year 1900 several scientists had reported the presence of dark earths at various locations within Amazonia. They made the connection between Native artifacts within the dark earth soils and its anthropogenic origin, as well as between prior burning activities and charcoal in the soils. In 1903, Friedrich Katzer's ''Basics of Geology in lower Amazonia'' stated that the region's "highest class of wealth lies in its soil." This thesis led him to the prescient assertion that soils were cultivated in ancient times when the region was more or less densely populated. His would be the last published chemical analyses of dark earths until Sombroek in 1966.<ref>"Chapter 1: Amazonian Dark Earths: The First Century of Reports"; Williams Woods + Denevan ''Amazonian Dark Earths: Wim Sombroek’s Vision'' Springer 2009</ref>

... curious: numerous explorers’, travelers’, and scientific reports about Amazonia beginning in
== Great Plains ==
the sixteenth century, and one would have expected that someone would have
noted, if only in passing, so common and distinctive a phenomenon. However,
searches of the literature and archives by numerous people have come up empty.
The common settlement place name “Terra Preta” isn’t even mentioned. Soils in
general are rarely referred to, and when they are it is in dubious sources such as the
1809 geography that merely states: “The soils are extremely fertile ...” in Amazonia. Perhaps this lack of interest in aboriginal resources stems from the Eurocentric view of the economic superiority of Old World technologies coupled with the prevailing idea of Amazonia as an unsullied wilderness.
Not all shared this viewpoint including von Humboldt who admired the achievements of both the pre- and post-colonial Indians and said that “Every tropical forest
is not primeval forest” in the neotropics (1869:193).
Ignorance of terra preta changed as an indirect result of the ending of the American Civil War. Many in the South decided to migrate to Latin America rather than to be re-Unionized (Dawsey and Dawsey 1995).
Selection of some of the richest dark earth lands in the lower Amazon could not have been a coincidence, but had to have resulted from local knowledge.
Enormous dark earth sites at Panema, Diamantina, Taperinha, and Marurú all became plantations for the so-called “Confederados” in 1867 or shortly thereafter.

[[File:Blackfeet Burning Crow Buffalo Range.jpg|thumb|Blackfeet Burning Crow Buffalo Range, 1905 painting by Charles Marion Russell]]

The first to note this correspondence in print was the geologist Charles Hartt
More than five thousand years ago, Indigenous nations of the [[Great Plains]] of [[Turtle Island]] observed that the fires started by lightning spurred new growth of fresh green grass.<ref></ref>
Hartt and his assistant Herbert H. Smith
(1851–1919) in his book Brazil: The Amazons and the Coast (1979a) and in an article
“An American Home on the Amazons” (1879b) clearly made the connection between
the dark earths and prior Indian villages. Hartt (1874b:5, 7) used the term “kitchen
middens” to describe these soils. He was the first to report modern Indian cultivation
of terra preta (Hartt 1885:13). Smith (1879a:145, 168) said that “Strewn over it everywhere we find fragments of Indian pottery … the bluff-land owes its richness to the
refuse of a thousand kitchens for maybe a thousand years.

Hartt, Smith, Brown and Lidstone, Orton, Orville A. Derby (1851–1915), and
As buffalo love to feast on the nutritious shoots which sprout from recently burned areas, these fires would draw massive herds of bison from hundreds, even thousands of miles away.<ref></ref> The importance of these fires for buffalo hunters earned them the name, '''the Red Buffalo'''. By mimicking these natural fires through [[controlled burning]], the Tribes cultivated grasslands of fresh green growth to attract buffalo herds and reduce the need for extensive tracking and hunting.
J. B. Steere (1842–1940) (see below) in the 1870s were all English speaking and
most mentioned the Confederados. It would have been natural for them in their
travels in the Santarém region to visit the English speaking American colonists and
observe their crops of rice, sugar cane, and tobacco on terra preta soils. These settlers undoubtedly had learned about the merits of the black earth soils from Indian
and Brazilian farmers.

1903 when Friedrich Katzer’s (1861–1925) classic volume
Through this grasslands stewardship, Native peoples "amplified the climate signal in prairie fire patterns" correlated with wet seasons by making the most of rain-fed growth to fuel new fires.<ref></ref> This improved the biodiversity of prairie grasslands by creating greater between-patch diversity, which is especially important for small animals.<ref></ref>
on the geology of the Amazon region was published in Leipzig. Based on his
3 years of fieldwork (1895–1898), Katzer (1903:64–70) recognized the fertility of
these soils in the lower Amazon. He (1903:64, 67) stated that the region’s “more
distinguished wealth lies in its soil” and estimated that there were over 50,000 ha of
Schwarze Erde immediately south of Santarém between the Tapajós and the Curuá
Una rivers. Subsequent research has confirmed the extensive amount of dark earth
there. Katzer conducted pioneering analytical work on these soils, and as a result
concluded that they had a completely different origin from the Chernozems he
knew in central Europe in that the former were cultural in origin. He found that
these soils consisted of an intimate blending of mineral residuum, charred plant
materials, and decomposed organics. Three dark earth samples were subjected to
loss-on-ignition testing with results indicating high organic matter content, in stark
contrast to soils from surrounding locations. Based on his analyses, Katzer
suggested that because of their fertility the dark earths were cultivated in ancient
times when the region was more or less densely populated, a prescient assertion.
His would be the last published chemical analyses of dark earths until Sombroek
in 1966.

''CE 1960s-2000: Scientific Renaissance''
As grasses burned to cultivate new growth, the Tribes also gradually built up layers of rich charcoal residue in prairie soils with all the benefits that follow. A research collaboration between the Blackfeet Tribal Historic Preservation Office and Southern Methodist University produced unequivocal evidence of these historic practices, as "all of the charcoal layers that were dated perfectly aligned with the time that Natives used drivelines."<ref></ref> <ref></ref> The results of their study showed the historical depth and [[indigenuity]] of traditional bison-hunting and controlled burning practices, with the generation of biochar serving as a lasting signature in the soil indicating when and where these practices were adopted.

Wim Sombroek

''CE 2000-present: Technical Regeneration''
Biochar is an output of [[pyrolysis]] - the heating of organic material without exposure to oxygen. Any quantity of biomass (= organic feedstock given for pyrolytic reduction) can yield carbon in this highly compressed, solid form.

Importantly, the value of the char comes not only from what it contains, but also from what it does not (yet) contain. That is, the porous structure of its carbon content makes biochar act like a microscopic sponge.<ref></ref> Following this distinction, the two sections nested here provide further definition for "positive" vs. "negative" spaces of a biochar:

Biochar is an output of [[pyrolysis]]. Any quantity of biomass -- organic feedstock given for pyrolytic reduction -- can yield carbon in this highly compressed solid form.

Importantly, the value of the char comes not only from what it contains, but also from what it does not (yet) contain. That is, the porous structure of its carbon content makes biochar act like a microscopic sponge. [] Following this distinction, the two sections nested here provide further definition for "positive" vs. "negative" spaces of a biochar:
Biochar is the most stable form of organic carbon known to exist in the terrestrial environment.<ref></ref> This is due to the fact that it is a crystalline solid with a high degree of orderliness in its molecules. The biochar process (burning within a low-oxygen environment) results in the formation of carbon-carbon bonds that do not easily break. These bonds give biochar its stability and -- being structured like graphite rather than diamond -- its black color.<ref></ref><ref></ref> Biochar's high stability means that it resists decomposition in soils and therefore can serve as a long-term (1000+ year) storehouse for carbon.<ref></ref>


Biochar is the most stable form of organic carbon known to exist in the terrestrial environment.[] This is due to the fact that it is a crystalline solid with a high degree of orderliness in its molecules. The biochar process (burning within a low-oxygen environment) results in the formation of carbon-carbon bonds that do not easily break. These bonds give biochar its stability and -- being structured like graphite rather than diamond -- its black color[][]. Biochar's high stability means that it resists decomposition in soils and therefore can serve as a long-term (1000+ year) storehouse for carbon.[]
While the stability of biochar is an important attribute, it is the porosity of biochar that gives it many of its unique properties. The pores in biochar can be classified as either micropores (<2 nm in diameter), mesopores (2-50 nm), or macropores (>50 nm).<ref></ref> Being highly porous, Biochar has a high surface area to volume ratio (upwards of 340 m2/g).<ref></ref> This gives biochar a large internal surface on which various chemical and biological processes can take place. For instance, biochar's porosity allows it to act as a sponge for water and nutrients, while serving as a substrate for the growth of microorganisms.
While the stability of biochar is an important attribute, it is the porosity of biochar that gives it many of its unique properties. The pores in biochar can be classified as either micropores (<2 nm in diameter), mesopores (2-50 nm), or macropores (>50 nm).[] Being highly porous, Biochar has a high surface area to volume ratio (upwards of 340 m2/g). [] This gives biochar a large internal surface on which various chemical and biological processes can take place. For instance, biochar's porosity allows it to act as a sponge for water and nutrients, while serving as a substrate for the growth of microorganisms.



[[File:Biochar Feedstocks.jpg|thumb|Sample of various kinds of biomass with their respective biochars <ref></ref>]]

Any biomass can -- theoretically -- become biochar. The most famous example, charcoal, simply refers to biochar for which wood is the feedstock. There are at least as many different feedstocks as there are flora.
Any biomass can -- theoretically -- become biochar. The most famous example, charcoal, simply refers to biochar for which wood is the feedstock. There are at least as many different feedstocks as there are flora.

Biomass waste materials appropriate for biochar production include wild detritus, crop residues (both field residues and processing residues such as nut shells, fruit pits, bagasse, etc) and animal manures, as well as yard and food wastes. []
Biomass waste materials appropriate for biochar production include wild detritus, crop residues (both field residues and processing residues such as nut shells, fruit pits, bagasse, etc) and animal manures, as well as yard and food wastes. <ref></ref>
Feedstock can be further classified as dry or wet. Feedstock with moisture content under 30% after harvesting is dry; this includes branches, waste wood or agricultural residues. Feedstock with moisture content above 30% is considered as wet biomass; this includes algae, animal/human excreta and sewage sludge. <ref></ref>

The nested sections below organize this plentiful array of resources according to their location in wild, rural and urban ecologies, respectively.
The nested sections below organize this plentiful array of resources according to their location in wild, rural and urban ecologies, respectively.

Feedstock can be further classified as dry or wet. Feedstock with moisture content under 30% after harvesting is dry; this includes branches, waste wood or agricultural residues. Feedstock with moisture content above 30% is considered as wet biomass; this includes algae, animal/human excreta and sewage sludge. []
Special characteristics of a given feedstock, in terms of its preparation and its biochar product, are detailed below.
'''>> FOREST / PLAINS <<'''

Line 129: Line 84:

*'''Grasses or Weeds'''

''- Switchgrass - Bamboo - Ditch Weed
''- Switchgrass - Bamboo - [[Qannabis]]

'''>> FARM / PASTURE <<'''
🌾 '''FARM / PASTURE'''

*'''Crop residues'''
*'''Crop residues'''
Line 143: Line 98:


*'''Yard waste'''
*'''Yard waste'''
Line 157: Line 112:
''- Paper - Pulps - Sewage sludge - Digested sludge
''- Paper - Pulps - Sewage sludge - Digested sludge
[[File:Biochar process breakdown.png|thumb|Yield ratios of primary processes ("Slow" and "Fast" refer to forms of [[pyrolysis]]).[] ]]
To transform feedstocks into biochar, in any form, involves a lot deal of heat with limited exposure to oxygen.
Fire will reduce biomass to ash in the presence of oxygen. Deprived of air, however, the thermal decomposition process separates biomass into gases, liquids, oxygenated compounds (e.g., wood vinegar), and solid (biochar). The ratio between these components, given a particular feedstock, will depend on the conditions of its heating. Generally speaking, lower and slower burns will yield more char, while hotter or shorter processes yield oils and gases potentially useful as [[biofuel]].
The nested sections below offer practical details on these different processes.
*Effective charring can require preparation of the feedstocks, through drying and/or size reduction, making dead or waste materials often the most ideal candidates. Pretreatment may be necessary, however, depending on the feedstock and reactor in question.
*The final step of any process is its quenching, in which the fire is put out and the char itself better activated, most often with water but sometimes with urine or dirt.
Section content, unless otherwise cited, sourced from Amonette, J.E., et al. 2021. ''Biomass to Biochar: Maximizing the Carbon Value.'' Report by Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University, Pullman WA.[]
Bullet point data mostly taken from ''Journal of Analytic and Applied Pyrolysis'' 2022 (in which "yield" refers to biochar weight).[]
*200-300 °C
*10-60 minutes
*70-90 % yield
*Good for biocoal
Torrefaction is also called mild pyrolysis, as it still involves heating biomass in an "inert" or oxygen-deficit environment, but only to a maximum temperature of 300°C. The biomass will evaporate both its water content and some volatile organic compounds. This process yields a uniform product of lower moisture, and higher energy content, than raw biomass. It is also easier to grind due to its brittle quality. []
'''Slow Pyrolysis'''
*300-800 °C
*minutes to days
*25-35 % yield
*Good for biochar
Slow pyrolysis, also called conventional carbonization, produces biochar by heating biomass at a low heating rate (around 5-7 °C per minute) for a relatively long residence time and typically uses large particles. These conditions produce less liquid and more biochar than fast pyrolysis. In general, slow pyrolysis requires less pretreatment of the feedstock than fast pyrolysis.
'''Fast Pyrolysis'''
*400-700 °C
*0.5-10 seconds
*12-15 % yield
*Good for biooil
Fast pyrolysis describes heating rates of over 300 °C/min., which are typically used to obtain high yields of single-phase bio-oil. Fast pyrolysis uses small particles, generally smaller than 5 mm in diameter, due to the low thermal conductivity of lignocellulosic materials.
*750-1000 °C
*seconds to hours
*5-10 % yield
*Good for biogas
Gasification differs from pyrolysis in that some oxygen is present at much higher temperatures (>750 °C). Gasification has been used since the 1800s in energy generation from coal and biomass. Gasification converts carbon-based materials into carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide (syngas or producer gas). The gas mixture can then be combusted to generate power. While gasification technologies were designed for power, rather than biochar production, biochar can be produced with this approach.
*1000-1200 °C
*1-2 % yield
*Good for heat
Biomass is fired and allowed to breathe, producing gases to be burned up as biomass ashes, thus driving the continuation of the process. Reactors relying on combustion are primarily designed for generating heat,  commonly used for a combination of steam turbine electrical generation and secondary heat uses such as curing lumber or drying grain.
Though the word combustion seems antithetical to the production of biochar, it is ironically combustion -- that ordinary, everyday technology -- that is perhaps responsible for a majority of biochar produced on [[Mother Earth]]. The key is that not all combustion technologies result in 100% complete combustion (yielding ash as the sole solid product); indeed, combustion technologies are imperfect. When oxygen is present, but insufficient for complete combustion, biochar can be pulled out of the system. Combustion for a boiler will generally yield 1.5-2% biochar.


'''<< LOW-COST >>'''
🔥 '''LOW-COST''' 🔥

*'''Nesting Cookstove'''
*'''Nesting Cookstove'''
[[File:Nesting Cookstove (TLUD).png|thumb|'''> Nesting Cookstove''' ("Champion TLUD")]]
[[File:Nesting Cookstove (TLUD).png|thumb|'''> Nesting Cookstove''' ("Champion TLUD")]]

technically a gasifier - provides immediate utility as gas fire - burns clean - yields char
The nesting cookstove is a simple way to get immediate utility from a backyard biofuel fireplace. It is technically a gasifier, given its function of burning (much cleaner than smoke made by combustion), but still will reduce any feedstock into char. Thus a char machine is nested in a gas burner; so can a feedstock ecology become nested in a household economy. 

- nested cylinders : inner = reactor core ; outer = air channel - build a nest with anything from twigs/branches to peanut shells n pine cones - light the top to begin heating process - core produces char + gas (one w/ gravity , one w/ levity) - updraft through outer chamber allows the woodgas to combust - product is a smokeless flame + some token char
In most cases -- but not always -- this form employs a pair of nested cylinders. Their inner chamber is the reactor core; the outer ring functions as an air channel. The heating process begins by lighting feedstocks from the top, thus producing char (which falls) and gas (which rises), while the air channel allows updrafts to sustain its flame with biogas. Given such design, this cookstove is technically designated as a Top-Lit Updraft (TLUD) reactor.

''How-To Guides:''
'''''How-To Guides:'''''

Basic design, built entirely from soup cans and other household materials, developed for elementary students at the Dome School (Oregon, USA) []
<gallery widths="320px" heights="239px" >
File:Nesting Cookstove Guide.png|6 page illustrated guide for building a small-scale Nesting Cookstove entirely from soup cans and other household materials, developed at the Dome School<ref></ref>
File:TLUD youtube tutorial.png|6 minute video tutorial for building a large-scale Nesting Cookstove made with a single cylinder of scrap metals<ref></ref>

*'''Flame Cap Kiln'''
*'''Flame Cap Kiln'''
[[File:Flame cap kiln diagram.png|thumb|'''> Flame Cap Kiln''']]  
[[File:Flame cap kiln diagram.png|thumb|'''> Flame Cap Kiln''']]  

A flame-cap kiln is a simple container that can be made from an earthen pit, bricks or ceramics, and metal. Only the metal kilns are portable. Kilns can have any shape, including cylinders, cones, pyramids, rectangles, or troughs. Their width:height ratio should be 1:1 or greater; 2:1 is recommended. A kiln that is too tall will have trouble getting enough air to maintain combustion.  
The flame-cap kiln is a simple container made from an earthen pit, bricks, ceramics, or metal. Metal ones can be portable as well. Kilns can have any shape, including cylinders, cones, pyramids, rectangles, or troughs. Their width:height ratio should be 1:1 or greater; 2:1 is recommended. A kiln that is too tall will have trouble getting enough air to maintain combustion.  

These kilns operate according to the principle of counterflow combustion. All combustion air comes from above, feeding a flame that is always maintained. The flame heats the feedstock below by radiation, which emits gasses that are burned in the flame. The flame consumes all the available air, so that no air is available to burn the char that forms beneath the flame.
These kilns operate according to the principle of counterflow combustion. All combustion air comes from above, feeding a flame that is always maintained. The flame heats the feedstock below by radiation, which emits gasses that are burned in the flame. The flame consumes all available air to protect char as it forms beneath the flame. In other words, the flame itself "caps" this char kiln.

The counterflow combustion air keeps the flame low and prevents emission of embers or sparks. The flame also further combusts organic compounds in the smoke, reducing emissions of harmful compounds. Periodically, new feedstock is loaded into the kiln. This temporarily interrupts the flame-cap which is quickly reformed. Once the kiln is full of char, it is quenched either with water or by snuffing with a lid.  
The counterflow combustion air keeps the flame low and prevents emission of embers or sparks. The flame also combusts organic compounds in the smoke, further reducing emissions. Periodically, as engineers load new feedstock into the reactor, the flame-cap is temporarily interrupted but quickly reforms. Once the kiln is full of char, quench the flame with water or snuff it with a lid.  

Flame-cap kilns can be loaded by hand. Stewards require training to do this with the highest efficiency and lowest emissions. If loaded too fast, the flame front moves upward and the radiant heat from the flame is not able to char all of the feedstock. If loaded too slowly, more of the material may burn to ash. For these reasons, as well as their own safety, kiln workers must be aware of feedstock species, size and moisture level and must be able to adjust loading rates and practices accordingly.
Flame-cap kilns can be loaded by hand. Stewards require training to do this with the highest efficiency and lowest emissions. If loaded too fast, the flame front moves upward and the radiant heat from the flame is not able to char all of the feedstock. If loaded too slowly, more of the material may burn to ash. For these reasons, as well as their own safety, kiln engineers must be learned in feedstock species, size and moisture level in terms of their distinct loading practices.

With properly cut and dried feedstocks, the biochar conversion efficiency of a flame cap kiln can rival that of industrial pyrolysis kilns. If well managed, a flame cap kiln can convert biomass to biochar with an efficiency of up to 40% by weight.  
With properly cut and dried feedstocks, the biochar conversion efficiency of a flame cap kiln can rival that of industrial pyrolysis kilns. If well managed, a flame cap kiln can convert biomass to biochar with an efficiency of up to 40% by weight.  

This reactor requires no external energy inputs for heating.[]
This reactor requires no external energy inputs for heating.<ref></ref>

''How-To Guides:''
'''''How-To Guides:'''''
<gallery widths="320px" heights="239px" >
<gallery widths="320px" heights="239px" >
File:Making Biochar Guide 1.png|Step-by-step illustrated guide [35pg] for building and operating a soil-pit (or metal) flame-cap kiln[]
File:Making Biochar Guide 1.png|Step-by-step illustrated guide [35pg] for building and operating a soil-pit (or metal) flame-cap kiln<ref></ref>
File:Ring of Fire Kiln Guide.png|Step-by-step video guide [3:07m] for building and operating a cylindrical "ring of fire" flame-cap kiln[]
File:Ring of Fire Kiln Guide.png|Step-by-step video guide [3:07m] for building and operating a cylindrical "ring of fire" flame-cap kiln<ref></ref>

'''<< HIGH-COST >>'''

*'''Sequestration Credit Carts'''
*'''Sequestration Credit Carts'''
Line 268: Line 162:

==Carbon Sequestration==
==Carbon Removal==

Biochar has been identified as a key means of sequestering (removing and storing) carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, either into the Earth's soil or products made from Biochar. A group of scientists published in Nature in 2019 identified Biochar as the negative emissions technology "at the highest technology readiness level." [] According to their research, the global carbon sequestration potential of biochar (when also using potassium as a low-concentration additive) is over 2.6 billion tons of CO2/year.
Biochar has been identified as a key means of sequestering (removing and storing) carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, either into the Earth's soil or products made from Biochar. A group of scientists published in Nature in 2019 identified Biochar as the negative emissions technology "at the highest technology readiness level."<ref></ref> According to their research, the global carbon sequestration potential of biochar (when also using potassium as a low-concentration additive) is over 2.6 billion tons of CO2/year.

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Biochar increases long-term soil organic carbon content in a form which can endure for thousands of years, as seen in the Amazonian Black Earth.  
Biochar increases long-term soil organic carbon content in a form which can endure for thousands of years, as seen in the Amazonian Black Earth.  

Additional benefits of Biochar for soil include improved soil texture, nutrient retention, cation exchange capacity,[2] water retention,[3] and microorganism habitat.[4]
Additional benefits of Biochar for soil include improved soil texture, nutrient retention, cation exchange capacity,<ref>></ref> water retention,<ref></ref> and microorganism habitat.<ref></ref>

Line 296: Line 190:
*gas emissions  
*gas emissions  

However, a relevant part of the studies obtained results that were not statistically significant. Most importantly, no significant negative effects on animal health were found in any of the reviewed publications. []
However, a relevant part of the studies obtained results that were not statistically significant. Most importantly, no significant negative effects on animal health were found in any of the reviewed publications.<ref></ref>

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==Water Filter==
==Water Filter==

Charcoal has been a part of water treatment for at least 4000 years.[] Biochar’s incredible porosity and surface area give it a high capacity to adsorb a wide variety of contaminants from water.[]
Charcoal has been a part of water treatment for at least 4000 years.<ref></ref> Biochar’s incredible porosity and surface area give it a high capacity to adsorb a wide variety of contaminants from water.<ref></ref>

[[File:Biochar_Water_Filter.jpg|thumb|Biochar Water Filter featured in 2020 study published by Agricultural Water Management.[]]]
[[File:Biochar_Water_Filter.jpg|thumb|Biochar Water Filter featured in 2020 study published by Agricultural Water Management.<ref></ref>]]

Laboratory testing shows that biochar can effectively reduce contaminants including:
Laboratory testing shows that biochar can effectively reduce contaminants including:
Line 312: Line 206:
*Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD);
*Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD);
*Nutrients such as phosphorus and ammonia;
*Nutrients such as phosphorus and ammonia;
*Totals suspended solids (TSS).[]
*Totals suspended solids (TSS).<ref></ref>

A 2019 study found that using biochar in modified sand filters for wastewater treatment would be just as effective as other methods in removing microbes while significantly reducing the amount of land needed, a major obstacle to wastewater treatment on small farms.[]
A 2019 study found that using biochar in modified sand filters for wastewater treatment would be just as effective as other methods in removing microbes while significantly reducing the amount of land needed, a major obstacle to wastewater treatment on small farms.<ref></ref>

''How-To Guides:''
'''''How-To Guides:'''''

<gallery widths="320px" heights="239px" >
<gallery widths="320px" heights="239px" >
File:Biochar Water Filter Video Guide.png|18 minute video guide for making a medium-large (one or multi-barrel) water filtration system using biochar []
File:Biochar Water Filter Video Guide.png|18 minute video guide for making a medium-large (one or multi-barrel) water filtration system using biochar<ref></ref>
File:Multi-Barrer Biochar Filter System.png|10 page manual on building a multi-barrier water filtration system (including biochar)[]
File:Multi-Barrer Biochar Filter System.png|10 page manual on building a multi-barrier water filtration system (including biochar)<ref></ref>
Low-cost biochar water  filtration systems for lead removal have been developed, tested, and effectively implemented. See [ Abstract] & [ Schematic]



The fabrication of biochar-based materials with excellent electrochemical behavior as a "supercapacitor" can be sustainable and low cost.[]
The fabrication of biochar-based materials with excellent electrochemical behavior as a "supercapacitor" can be sustainable and low cost.<ref></ref>

These capacitors are endowed with excellent reliability, high power density, and fast charging/discharging characteristics. Supercapacitors are thus utilized in a wide range of applications, particularly in electrical vehicles.
These capacitors are endowed with excellent reliability, high power density, and fast charging/discharging characteristics. Supercapacitors are thus utilized in a wide range of applications, particularly in electrical vehicles.

Biochar is a potent material of interest for electrochemical energy storage and conversion in this way. However, research needs to be carried out in resolving a few outstanding issues. For large scale and cost-effective deployment, the conversion efficiency and quality of biomass into biochar are required to be maintained without additional steps for treatments, while biochar functionalization (i.e. surface oxidation, amination, sulfonation etc.) should avoid intricate operations and toxic chemicals to retain a green solution. []
Biochar is a potent material of interest for electrochemical energy storage and conversion in this way. However, research needs to be carried out in resolving a few outstanding issues. For large scale and cost-effective deployment, the conversion efficiency and quality of biomass into biochar are required to be maintained without additional steps for treatments, while biochar functionalization (i.e. surface oxidation, amination, sulfonation etc.) should avoid intricate operations and toxic chemicals to retain a green solution.<ref></ref>


By mixing biochar with paper pulp, researchers have created a char-cardboard material which offers benefits including<ref></ref>:

* Compatibility with beneficial bacteria

* Low thermal conductivity

[1] <>
* Extended produce shelf life

[2] <>
* Electrostatic Discharge protection

[3] <>
* Moisture absorption

* End of Life Remediation:

<blockquote> At the end of its initial use, chardboard continues to be useful and restorative by adding carbon back to the soil.  Ideally those with access to gardens could toss it in their compost bin or garden after they have used it as a litter liner. Since many urban dwellers don't have that option, it is likely that a significant portion may end up being landfilled.  Even if it does end up in a landfill, chardboard will likely be 'bio-beneficial' as it can help reduce odors and toxic leaching as well as inhibit methane emissions.</blockquote>


Latest revision as of 20:55, 19 December 2023

The Biochar Wormhole

Biochar is a highly compressed, porous, and stable form of organic black carbon. It is the remainder of biomass after pyrolysis: setting fire but subtracting oxygen. Its known history reaches back more than 9,000 years to the Indigenous cultivation of black soils (Yana Allpa) underlying the highly fruitful forestgarden of the Amazon Rainforest.

In recent years, scientific experiments have elaborated upon biochar's ability to improve soil qualities such as structure, nutrient availability, and water retention. By converting organic carbon into a compressed and stable form, it also provides a low-tech, scalable means of removing massive amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to slow and reverse climate collapse. Further benefits of biochar include biogas or bio-oil utilities (heat/electric), water filtration, plus novel industrial applications like supercapacitors.

Despite its enormous promise as a sort of omnibus remedy, the biochar economy suffers from insufficient support and funding. In hopes of accelerating its adoption, the Climate Wiki team has made biochar an area of primary focus as we stack functions into this knowledge commons.


Amazon Rainforest


Typical profiles of yana allpa on the left, and oxisol on the right.[1]

For over 9000 years, Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon Rainforest have enriched the forest soil surrounding their villages using biochar.[2][3] In a compost mix with other amendments, the use of biochar by Indigenous farmers created highly fertile and nutrient-rich soils known as yana allpa (Quechuan: "black earth"), more widely known by the Spanish term "terra preta" today.[4]

Yana allpa is visibly distinctive via the noticeable presence of black carbon in the form of biochar, which exists in concentrations around 70 times greater than surrounding soils.[5] Its high nutrient profile, cation exchange capacity, and more balanced pH also stands in sharp contrast to oxisol, the less fertile and highly acidic yellow soils which grow throughout most of the Amazon.

The disruption of Indigenous biochar cultivation and yana allpa generation by the onset of European colonization severely fragmented and destroyed Indigenous knowledges regarding these practices. As a result, much of what is known about yana allpa today is the result of archaeology:

  • Fieldwork has shown that yana allpa sites are widely distributed across the region and most likely to be near the Amazon River. They have persisted in their fertility and distinctiveness for thousands of years.[6] The longevity of yana allpa is a core body of evidence empirically demonstrating biochar's long-term carbon sequestration abilities.
  • Yana allpa sites, now largely overgrown, once had fewer towering trees, but were heavily populated by numerous shorter fruit trees. Yana allpa is so closely associated with evidence of concentrated human residence -- such as handmade ceramics and the remains of fortified villages -- that archaeologists were forced to revise upwards their estimates of pre-colonial Native populations by millions of more people.[7] The existence of large villages and cities in the Amazon which had been attested to by early reports, but subsequently dismissed following their destruction amid the genocidal violence of European colonization, has consequently been supported by this evidence.[8]


CE 1850-1900s: Geological Rediscovery

Knowledge of 'terra preta' among settlers was first recorded in the aftermath of the U.S. Civil War.[9] More than 10,000 Confederates fled further south to Brazil, where slavery was still legal, rather than rejoin the United States.[10] An unknown number of enslaved Black people were forced to make the journey to Brazil with them. Enormous dark earth sites at Panema, Diamantina, Taperinha, and Marurú all became plantations for the so-called “Confederados” around 1867. Their choice of some of the richest dark earth lands in the lower Amazon for their plantations was not a coincidence, but a result of exploiting local knowledge.

In the 1870s, a number of English-speaking travelers visited the Confederados and their plantations. In 1878, Brown and Lidstone were the first to use the term "terra preta" in print. In 1879, the Geologist Charles Hartt and his assistant Herbert Smith became the first to publish on the Amazon's black earth soils; they reported modern Indigenous cultivation of terra preta and connected the rich soils to past habitation: “Strewn over it everywhere we find fragments of Indian pottery . . . the bluff-land owes its richness to the refuse of a thousand kitchens for maybe a thousand years.”

By the year 1900 several scientists had reported the presence of dark earths at various locations within Amazonia. They made the connection between Native artifacts within the dark earth soils and its anthropogenic origin, as well as between prior burning activities and charcoal in the soils. In 1903, Friedrich Katzer's Basics of Geology in lower Amazonia stated that the region's "highest class of wealth lies in its soil." This thesis led him to the prescient assertion that soils were cultivated in ancient times when the region was more or less densely populated. His would be the last published chemical analyses of dark earths until Sombroek in 1966.[11]

Great Plains

Blackfeet Burning Crow Buffalo Range, 1905 painting by Charles Marion Russell

More than five thousand years ago, Indigenous nations of the Great Plains of Turtle Island observed that the fires started by lightning spurred new growth of fresh green grass.[12]

As buffalo love to feast on the nutritious shoots which sprout from recently burned areas, these fires would draw massive herds of bison from hundreds, even thousands of miles away.[13] The importance of these fires for buffalo hunters earned them the name, the Red Buffalo. By mimicking these natural fires through controlled burning, the Tribes cultivated grasslands of fresh green growth to attract buffalo herds and reduce the need for extensive tracking and hunting.

Through this grasslands stewardship, Native peoples "amplified the climate signal in prairie fire patterns" correlated with wet seasons by making the most of rain-fed growth to fuel new fires.[14] This improved the biodiversity of prairie grasslands by creating greater between-patch diversity, which is especially important for small animals.[15]

As grasses burned to cultivate new growth, the Tribes also gradually built up layers of rich charcoal residue in prairie soils with all the benefits that follow. A research collaboration between the Blackfeet Tribal Historic Preservation Office and Southern Methodist University produced unequivocal evidence of these historic practices, as "all of the charcoal layers that were dated perfectly aligned with the time that Natives used drivelines."[16] [17] The results of their study showed the historical depth and indigenuity of traditional bison-hunting and controlled burning practices, with the generation of biochar serving as a lasting signature in the soil indicating when and where these practices were adopted.


Biochar is an output of pyrolysis - the heating of organic material without exposure to oxygen. Any quantity of biomass (= organic feedstock given for pyrolytic reduction) can yield carbon in this highly compressed, solid form.

Importantly, the value of the char comes not only from what it contains, but also from what it does not (yet) contain. That is, the porous structure of its carbon content makes biochar act like a microscopic sponge.[18] Following this distinction, the two sections nested here provide further definition for "positive" vs. "negative" spaces of a biochar:


Biochar is the most stable form of organic carbon known to exist in the terrestrial environment.[19] This is due to the fact that it is a crystalline solid with a high degree of orderliness in its molecules. The biochar process (burning within a low-oxygen environment) results in the formation of carbon-carbon bonds that do not easily break. These bonds give biochar its stability and -- being structured like graphite rather than diamond -- its black color.[20][21] Biochar's high stability means that it resists decomposition in soils and therefore can serve as a long-term (1000+ year) storehouse for carbon.[22]


While the stability of biochar is an important attribute, it is the porosity of biochar that gives it many of its unique properties. The pores in biochar can be classified as either micropores (<2 nm in diameter), mesopores (2-50 nm), or macropores (>50 nm).[23] Being highly porous, Biochar has a high surface area to volume ratio (upwards of 340 m2/g).[24] This gives biochar a large internal surface on which various chemical and biological processes can take place. For instance, biochar's porosity allows it to act as a sponge for water and nutrients, while serving as a substrate for the growth of microorganisms.



Sample of various kinds of biomass with their respective biochars [25]

Any biomass can -- theoretically -- become biochar. The most famous example, charcoal, simply refers to biochar for which wood is the feedstock. There are at least as many different feedstocks as there are flora.

Biomass waste materials appropriate for biochar production include wild detritus, crop residues (both field residues and processing residues such as nut shells, fruit pits, bagasse, etc) and animal manures, as well as yard and food wastes. [26]

Feedstock can be further classified as dry or wet. Feedstock with moisture content under 30% after harvesting is dry; this includes branches, waste wood or agricultural residues. Feedstock with moisture content above 30% is considered as wet biomass; this includes algae, animal/human excreta and sewage sludge. [27]

The nested sections below organize this plentiful array of resources according to their location in wild, rural and urban ecologies, respectively.


  • Hardwoods

- Alder - Balsa - Beech - Hickory - Mahogany - Maple - Oak - Teak - Walnut

  • Softwoods

- Cedar - Fir - Douglas fir - Juniper - Pine - Redwood - Spruce - Yew

  • Grasses or Weeds

- Switchgrass - Bamboo - Qannabis


  • Crop residues

- Straw - Corn - Rice

  • Animal manures

- Chicken - Swine - Human


  • Yard waste

- Grass Clippings - Sticks or Twigs - Woodchips - Sawdust

  • Food waste

- Fruits

  • Biosolids

- Paper - Pulps - Sewage sludge - Digested sludge



  • Nesting Cookstove
> Nesting Cookstove ("Champion TLUD")

The nesting cookstove is a simple way to get immediate utility from a backyard biofuel fireplace. It is technically a gasifier, given its function of burning (much cleaner than smoke made by combustion), but still will reduce any feedstock into char. Thus a char machine is nested in a gas burner; so can a feedstock ecology become nested in a household economy.

In most cases -- but not always -- this form employs a pair of nested cylinders. Their inner chamber is the reactor core; the outer ring functions as an air channel. The heating process begins by lighting feedstocks from the top, thus producing char (which falls) and gas (which rises), while the air channel allows updrafts to sustain its flame with biogas. Given such design, this cookstove is technically designated as a Top-Lit Updraft (TLUD) reactor.

How-To Guides:

  • Flame Cap Kiln
> Flame Cap Kiln

The flame-cap kiln is a simple container made from an earthen pit, bricks, ceramics, or metal. Metal ones can be portable as well. Kilns can have any shape, including cylinders, cones, pyramids, rectangles, or troughs. Their width:height ratio should be 1:1 or greater; 2:1 is recommended. A kiln that is too tall will have trouble getting enough air to maintain combustion.

These kilns operate according to the principle of counterflow combustion. All combustion air comes from above, feeding a flame that is always maintained. The flame heats the feedstock below by radiation, which emits gasses that are burned in the flame. The flame consumes all available air to protect char as it forms beneath the flame. In other words, the flame itself "caps" this char kiln.

The counterflow combustion air keeps the flame low and prevents emission of embers or sparks. The flame also combusts organic compounds in the smoke, further reducing emissions. Periodically, as engineers load new feedstock into the reactor, the flame-cap is temporarily interrupted but quickly reforms. Once the kiln is full of char, quench the flame with water or snuff it with a lid.

Flame-cap kilns can be loaded by hand. Stewards require training to do this with the highest efficiency and lowest emissions. If loaded too fast, the flame front moves upward and the radiant heat from the flame is not able to char all of the feedstock. If loaded too slowly, more of the material may burn to ash. For these reasons, as well as their own safety, kiln engineers must be learned in feedstock species, size and moisture level in terms of their distinct loading practices.

With properly cut and dried feedstocks, the biochar conversion efficiency of a flame cap kiln can rival that of industrial pyrolysis kilns. If well managed, a flame cap kiln can convert biomass to biochar with an efficiency of up to 40% by weight.

This reactor requires no external energy inputs for heating.[30]

How-To Guides:


  • Sequestration Credit Carts


  • Decentralized Power Plants



Carbon Removal

Biochar has been identified as a key means of sequestering (removing and storing) carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, either into the Earth's soil or products made from Biochar. A group of scientists published in Nature in 2019 identified Biochar as the negative emissions technology "at the highest technology readiness level."[33] According to their research, the global carbon sequestration potential of biochar (when also using potassium as a low-concentration additive) is over 2.6 billion tons of CO2/year.


Soil Amendment

Biochar increases long-term soil organic carbon content in a form which can endure for thousands of years, as seen in the Amazonian Black Earth.

Additional benefits of Biochar for soil include improved soil texture, nutrient retention, cation exchange capacity,[34] water retention,[35] and microorganism habitat.[36]


Feed Additive

Livestock farmers increasingly use biochar as a regular feed supplement to improve animal health and increase nutrient intake efficiency. As biochar gets enriched with nitrogen-rich organic compounds during the digestion process, the excreted biochar-manure becomes a more valuable organic fertilizer causing lower nutrient losses and greenhouse gas emissions during storage and soil application.

An analysis of 112 scientific papers on biochar feed supplements has shown that in most studies and for all farm animal species, positive effects could be found on different parameters, such as:

  • growth
  • digestion
  • feed efficiency
  • toxin adsorption
  • blood levels
  • meat quality
  • gas emissions

However, a relevant part of the studies obtained results that were not statistically significant. Most importantly, no significant negative effects on animal health were found in any of the reviewed publications.[37]


Water Filter

Charcoal has been a part of water treatment for at least 4000 years.[38] Biochar’s incredible porosity and surface area give it a high capacity to adsorb a wide variety of contaminants from water.[39]

Biochar Water Filter featured in 2020 study published by Agricultural Water Management.[40]

Laboratory testing shows that biochar can effectively reduce contaminants including:

  • Heavy metals like lead, copper, zinc, cadmium, cobalt, and nickel;
  • Organics such as gasoline compounds and other volatile organics, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and some herbicides, pesticides and pharmaceuticals;
  • Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD);
  • Nutrients such as phosphorus and ammonia;
  • Totals suspended solids (TSS).[41]

A 2019 study found that using biochar in modified sand filters for wastewater treatment would be just as effective as other methods in removing microbes while significantly reducing the amount of land needed, a major obstacle to wastewater treatment on small farms.[42]

How-To Guides:

Low-cost biochar water filtration systems for lead removal have been developed, tested, and effectively implemented. See Abstract & Schematic



The fabrication of biochar-based materials with excellent electrochemical behavior as a "supercapacitor" can be sustainable and low cost.[45]

These capacitors are endowed with excellent reliability, high power density, and fast charging/discharging characteristics. Supercapacitors are thus utilized in a wide range of applications, particularly in electrical vehicles.

Biochar is a potent material of interest for electrochemical energy storage and conversion in this way. However, research needs to be carried out in resolving a few outstanding issues. For large scale and cost-effective deployment, the conversion efficiency and quality of biomass into biochar are required to be maintained without additional steps for treatments, while biochar functionalization (i.e. surface oxidation, amination, sulfonation etc.) should avoid intricate operations and toxic chemicals to retain a green solution.[46]


By mixing biochar with paper pulp, researchers have created a char-cardboard material which offers benefits including[47]:

  • Compatibility with beneficial bacteria
  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Extended produce shelf life
  • Electrostatic Discharge protection
  • Moisture absorption
  • End of Life Remediation:

At the end of its initial use, chardboard continues to be useful and restorative by adding carbon back to the soil. Ideally those with access to gardens could toss it in their compost bin or garden after they have used it as a litter liner. Since many urban dwellers don't have that option, it is likely that a significant portion may end up being landfilled. Even if it does end up in a landfill, chardboard will likely be 'bio-beneficial' as it can help reduce odors and toxic leaching as well as inhibit methane emissions.


  9. "Chapter 1: Amazonian Dark Earths: The First Century of Reports"; Williams Woods + Denevan Amazonian Dark Earths: Wim Sombroek’s Vision Springer 2009
  11. "Chapter 1: Amazonian Dark Earths: The First Century of Reports"; Williams Woods + Denevan Amazonian Dark Earths: Wim Sombroek’s Vision Springer 2009