Root causes of climate collapse
The root causes of climate collapse are entangled in a complex web of systemic issues. Capitalism, with its incessant focus on growth at the expense of environmental sustainability, serves as a significant driver. This is further exacerbated by greenwashing efforts that mislead the public into believing that corporations or governments are more environmentally friendly than they are. But misinformation doesn't stop there - fossil fuel industry disinformation campaigns actively undermine scientific consensus and halt progress towards clean energy solutions. Moreover, leading polluters like the Pentagon contribute to environmental degradation through immense energy consumption and waste. Adding complexity are social biases like mycophobia, which stifles the use of fungi for regeneration; Islamophobia, which ideologically fuels the climate denial and war machines; and cowboy mythology, which illustrates how false colonial narratives obstruct climate justice today. To address climate collapse adequately, we must dissect and combat these root causes and more.
This list/account of root causes is incomplete - please help us expand!